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The catalog of company features the products of ELK brand. It is known not only for its living, office and bedroom furniture, but also for the accessories.
Features of products by ELK
For the manufacture of decorative components, they widely use colored glass and stone. For instance, some of ELK's most popular products are bright green glass knots and stone vases.
In the collections of desks and tables, there are models decorated with faux pebbled leather. The wood bookends are complemented by artificial branches painted in white.
The designers abandoned traditional legs or coffee table bases: the glass table top in the Yava collection is fixed directly on the driftwood of an Indonesian teak tree. Each root is sanded and then covered with paint.
The company deliberately avoids classic bulky solutions and equips its tables, benches and tables with metal bases that are thin and durable.
In our store, you can order furniture and accessories with delivery across the country. As an authorized dealer, we offer a first-supplier price and official warranty.
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