MC19 FRONDA is a minimalist collection of chairs and stools designed by London-based studio Industrial Facility for Mattiazzi. FRONDA is a new typology for Mattiazzi: a seat that also houses storage. Inspired by our contemporary, nomadic nature and the need in public places to accommodate personal items, FRONDA offers a single wood shelf beneath its sculpted steel seat. FRONDA is the first Mattiazzi chair to use wood for structure and metal for its seat.
This inversion of material and function makes for a chair and a stool that are complimentary but individual in character. When placed side by side, the ash base creates a natural spacer that allows people to sit next to each other comfortably. “The metal seat takes Mattiazzi to a new place – an experiment that has some of the qualities of those beautiful Japanese copper and cypress washing buckets. What’s next is to see where FRONDA can live,” said Sam Hecht.