The mechanical principles of a gyroscope, planetarium or of an astrolabe served as an influence to conceive an unexpectedly comfortable Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture : a new experience for your… eyes.
Photographer: D.Sulakauri Model: Nutsa T.
Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture Gyro Stool by XYZ Integrated Architecture