Furniture designer and maker Jory Brigham, has launched his lastest sofa named Emerson. Made in his San Luis Obispo, California studio, the walnut frame is finished with grey wool cushions and a pinch of yellow from the fastening buttons.

Furniture designer and maker Jory Brigham, has launched his lastest sofa named Emerson. Made in his San Luis Obispo, California studio, the walnut frame is finished with grey wool cushions and a pinch of yellow from the fastening buttons.
hello. i want to make one of this type. where can I have sizez?
Muito bom e bonito gostei muito e quero fazer um.
Dimensions please give
Design details
What is the price for this sofa and delivering at india (bombay) or what please let me know.
Muy bonito y me gustaría saber el costo y si hacen envíos a mexico
Dimensions please give