You’re going through a transition in your life. You started living away from your family for the first time. It’s a whole new world of opportunities, but responsibilities as well.
Budgeting is one of your greatest responsibilities. You have a limited amount of money to get you through a month. It should cover your food, commuting, learning materials, bills, and all other expenses. What about the furniture? How do you decorate your room when your budget is so tight?
You can find high-quality for an affordable price. But you have to look at the pieces as an investment that’s going to last you for years to come.
1. Wait for the Discounts
If you already have some basic items, it’s best to wait for a discount, so you can get a better price for the same furniture that you plan to buy. Furniture stores give great offers on important holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Memorial and Independence Day.
Since most furniture stores have websites that feature prices, hunt for the discounts. You can even shop online and get the items delivered to your doorstep. That saves you money; you don’t have to go to the store to try them out. Sometimes the perfect furniture store is miles away. You’ll read about features of the items you need online. Then, you’ll wait for the discounts and you’ll close the deal.
2. Buy Items from Previous Seasons
It’s not like you have to go full-on fancy with student furniture.
New furniture designs usually come out during spring. That’s the time to hunt for the clearance. All furniture stores will try to clear out their showrooms, so they will get space for the new items.
Clearance items are still awesome. You’re getting great quality that used to cost more. Just because there’s a new seasonal line doesn’t mean that the previous one was worse. Shop smart!
3. Get Multipurpose Furniture
Multipurpose furniture has two main advantages:
- It saves you space. For example, you can get one item that serves as a desk and a dining table at the same time. If it folds, it will save you even more space. You won’t have to complain that you didn’t have a comfortable learning environment, so you had to hire Edu Birdie for your papers. When students are smart with interior design, they can create the right scene for every purpose.
- It saves you money; duh! Instead of getting a bed and a sofa, you’ll get a futon that serves as a couch and as a bed at the same time.
You should also consider an ottoman. It doesn’t have to be too expensive. It’s a great multi-purpose item, since it gives you space for your books, your laptop, and your tired legs that need a good rest.
4. Don’t Buy Too Many Items at Once
Plan your purchases wisely.
If you have to buy several items, the cost will add up. You’ll end up buying the cheapest furniture and you’ll sacrifice its quality.
You never want to sacrifice quality. Of course, you’re after an affordable price, but you want great value, too. If you’re dealing with a limited monthly budget, get one item per month. You’ll struggle for the first month, since you’ll only have a bed and a desk. But step by step, you’ll create a wonderful space.
5. Be Careful with Credit Cards
When you have to spend money that you don’t have, using a credit card seems like a good idea. However, you should be careful with debt, since it may cause problems later on.
Credit cards are loans that require interest. You’re making a commitment to return a larger amount than the one you borrowed. Everyone understands that, but many students still manage to get in trouble with too much debt.
Debt is fine only if it’s not too high. Use your credit card wisely. It’s better to save money and buy one item at a time than to splurge and get stuck.
Shopping for furniture is fun! You get a blank canvas to decorate to your taste.
Yes; you’ll need to spend some money. But when you shop around and you find the coolest items for an affordable price, the feeling is priceless!
Relax. This is going to be a great experience. Don’t get intimidated by the limited budget. Accept it as an opportunity to learn how to get better value for your money.
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