The Lunetta sofa puts you in control, shaping itself to your tastes, position, and style. It’s a marriage of extremes: soft yet hardwearing, geometrical yet informal. It’s contrasts like these that make life so exciting, and the Lunetta so incredibly relaxing.
Lunetta’s creased cover gives a foretaste of just how exceptionally comfortable this sofa is. But look closely, and you’ll see that the creases have a rhythm of their own. Lunetta also owes its comfort to the pocket springs, which make it easy to stand up despite the sofa’s low height.
Lunetta is also available with an elegant pocket that’s handy for storing your remote, phone, or anything else you need close at hand. The weighted band makes it easy to wedge between the frame and the arm cushion, and its durable lining lets you see what’s inside. The pocket comes in a choice of real or artificial leather.